Wednesday, August 1, 2007

RegEat - My First Swing App

Finally, I made my first Swing application.
Named RegEat, a simple Regular Expression Tools.
I write this application because at the first time I tried to find a simpe regex tools, it was so hard, but I found some - Reggy and RegExpress.

This application built by Java application, Swing based, and using standard JDK RegEx engine (java.util.regex) and developed using NetBeans IDE.

Download RegEat
A Zip file that contains NetBeans project and Binary JAR. To run simply double click dist/RegEat.jar

Still, this application is far from good. But I’d appreciate any comments.

Gotong Royong di Kantor

Huaahh….. abis gotong-gotong meja di kantor abis rubah posisi nih tim Java + Web Designer…Si Bos minta kita di atur per-team… sebab team Community bakalan kesibukan. Ada project rame…

Kembali ke laptop (kata Tukul)…

Ini skrinsut layout kantor yang baru di obrak abrek biar sedikit lebih luas…

[[IMAGE LOST]] hiks...

Tapi posisi meja saya engga berubah… tetep aja kedinginan di bawah ase (Air Conditioner).
Mejanya jadi kecilan… tapi sokeh lah… masih pas buat kompie sayah

Di meja tengah yang gede (yang kayak meja makan), di tempati team Community, yang duduk di sana Benny Whelan, Jeffry Pianov, Degger juga ada Bill.

Pinggiran dikit, ada team GovDex (yang ngerjain B2B) - ada Aviandri (baju biru), Kristina (.NET) sama Sayah sendiri (cuman lagi moto, jadi gak keliatan)

Si bos (Ronsen) pindah ke pojokan deketan ama si Danny (cuman potonya dari belakan)…

Gimana kah suasana baru ini??????

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Ujian bikin STRESS…

Gile… sejak senin kemarin di kampus lagi ujian…
Bener bener deh… dibuat pusing nih kepala… terutama matakuliah MetKuan (Metode Kuantitatif)… phew…

Udah kuliah jarang masuk… ^_^v - UTS gak ikut… Tugas gak ngumpulin pula… lengkap sudah penderitaan… hua….

Hari ini ujian TBO (Teori Bahasa Otomata), besok Bahasa Pemrograman, yang terakhir Kalkulus (Pelajaran paling gak suka)… udah gitu bayaran semester belum lagi…

Di sisi lain, lagi beresin proyek kantor belum kelar… baru alpha release dari beberapa bulan lalu start. koding… koding… koding…

Oh iya lupa… satu lagi program abang Jambi, dia nelpon mo ambil kemaren… tapi lupa euy… komputer rumah keformat bulan kemaren gara-gara nyoba-nyoba OSX86 di kompie rumah hua…hua… (nangis… bukan ketawa)

OS X Leopard

Wow… I saw WWDC keynote last Wednesday with my friends.

Apple will launch their new innovative Operating System OS X 10 codename Leopard in October 2007.
The price is only $129 (converted: about Rp. 1.100.000).

My friend, Aviandri asked to the Apple distributor on Point Square Lebak Bulus about upgrading Tiger to Leopard.
They said we could just upgrade current Tiger to Leopard with no cost if we bougt the Mac hardware from their store. (Wooo… I bought my MacBook Pro there :p - but I need the CD’s)

Aaahh… October… 4 months…